5 tendencias de Innovación en productos alimenticios para 2024

La industria alimentaria está en constante evolución, y las tendencias de innovación son un reflejo de los cambios en los hábitos de consumo y las preferencias de los consumidores. A continuación, se presentan 5 tendencias de innovación en productos alimenticios que se espera que dominen en 2024: 1. Alimentos a base de plantas La tendencia […]

2 armas poderosas de liderazgo

Existen dos armas poderosas del liderazgo: la mente y el corazón. El poder que te da la mente o la inteligencia racional (IQ) de un líder, que es la capacidad de análisis y estrategia. Y el poder del corazón que es la inteligencia emocional (IEQ), es decir, la capacidad de conectar con otras personas e […]

360′ mind in operations

We continually see in all types of operations positions of some “leaders” mounted on an “I know everything” echelon, which is not a sensible or honest position on an individual basis. The individual 360 mind does not exist in operations. There is no one who can verify such a faculty. The 360 mind is the […]

Operational Maturity

What depends on whether an operation matures? Maturity is a natural curve of consistency over time, it is composed of several ingredients such as: previous training, experience in the lines, training, managerial will, technological support, operation support and patience. Maturity takes time depending on the complexity of the operation and must be taken into account […]

Operational and Support Efficiency

We talk a lot about how we should be efficient, how dedicated we should be and give our best every day, and yes… yes we should be. But what is the means/method to achieve it? Today we live in a sideboard where sometimes the apparent (schedules, reports, and even our appearance of tiredness) becomes the […]

Strategy routes

Defining the transit or roads of action of the teams is necessary since it allows limiting times of impact on results, the routes must be defined in different lines, on the one hand the final objective and on the other hand the accelerators or determinants, the route must remain aligned with the policies , procedures, […]

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